Welcome to PayDay News

PayDay News editorial team

Welcome to PayDay News.

We felt it was the right time to launch a monthly, independent publication that provides in-depth analysis and views on payments issues that impact all Australians and businesses.

Payments is a critically important, complex and rapidly changing area of the national economy that deserves more understanding and scrutiny. There will be at least two regulatory reviews over the coming year that will have far-reaching impact the future of payments competition and transparency in this country for future generations.

At PayDay News we have put together a team of experienced payments professionals, analysts and journalists to examine a raft of current issues including cards, mobile wallets, FinTech, merchant fees, competition, real time payment, surcharging, fraud, scams, access to cash, cheques, payment initiation via open banking and many more.

PayDay news is published by the Independent Payments Forum and is free to its financial members.  We hope you sign up to get informed, and participate in the debate.

If you’re also interested in banking, we have partnered with Banking Day to offer attractive joint subscription packages.